

How do you do?
It had the homepage studio Vie of our stained glass recently.Say KAYASETSUKO.
It begins to make it by the early thing with the stained glass, and 20 comes.
With doing company work all the time until now even if it saying.
Send your work in public subscription , and it tries to announce it in group exhibition of the picture.
A private exhibition was held in the middle of that, and production and an announcement had been done.
Abolish work work recently, too, and it devotes itself to the production activities.
Begin the life of placing emphasis for the production.
It wanted to have the opportunity of the announcement of the produced work at
all abundantly, and thought about introduction in the homepage.

It is thought happiness if it is shown and I can have an opinion, an impression, and so on.


双方の都合の良い曜日・時間で 2時間単位でマンツーマン指導の教室を行っています。
入会金なし 月謝は8時間分(4回程度) 8000円前納になります


Aterier Vie homepage 2002/6/10open copyright(C)2001.setsuko kaya all rights reseved
e-mail vie@k2.dion.ne.jp
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